Religion is dangerous

Please, check out what tolerantpeople offers in this blog post. Rock on tolerantpeople. Im with you, regardless of your belief, faith…whatever. Thank you for being brave. Thank you for questioning the paradox within life.. Not too many of us care for that in todays world. But I care for that. Thank you,

: )

just a visitor.



Okay. I know I am going to get people riled up with this one, but it is something that has been on my mind lately. Please remember as you read this that this is representative of my personal views and opinions. I am happy to engage in conversation – but I am simply not going to respond to anyone who tells me I am going to hell, or that by not believing what you believe I am some sort of bad person. That being said – religion is dangerous.

This post is going to be a long one so bear with me. 

I have yet to see a religion that actually does any good in our world. Yes, for some individuals it offers peace and higher purpose. Religion can indeed change lives – some of them for the better, but many of them do more to alienate than heal. I said in…

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